Large corporate companies have the capability to provide affordable homes at scale, according to a London-based housing developer. At a recent industry event, it was highlighted that it shouldn’t solely be down to the development industry to solve the housing shortage, but that large corporate companies should be responsible for delivering homes for their workers…

Martin Bellinger, executive chairman at Guildmore, added: “As we have seen with Lidl’s plans to build thousands of new homes and community facilities, large corporate companies have the capability to provide affordable homes at scale. “This should be further encouraged, as there is a serious risk of workers being priced out of their own neighbourhoods while house prices and rents continue to rise. “Incentivising companies to develop affordable flats close to employees’ workplaces could help to tackle the housing deficit. “There are plenty of unused brownfield sites in London that are ripe for development and unlocking their potential could result in a huge increase in new high-quality affordable homes. “However, this can only be achieved through greater collaboration.”

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